Mr. Humelsine's Classroom Website


We are continuing to work on Multiplication and Division problems in math.  We are moving into word problems when we return from break. 



Links  Enter class code number U7UFD3  Read works reading of the week.  To work on math or reading skills.  



Other math sites that I love: 

Math CaféThis site allows you to create and/or download flashcards to practice those basic facts!


AAA MathThis is a very comprehensive site that hits most of our main skills.


Cool Math: This fully interactive site and allows student to sharpen basic math skills, play games and explore new math concepts.


FunBrainThis has always been a student favorite! This site includes a variety of math games based on soccer, car racing , baseball…you name it! J


Math CatsWell, I love cats. This being said, this site also offers a ton of explorations of important math concepts through games, crafts and interactive projects. Great for those artistic students!


   Figure This! : This site was created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and strives to help

          families enjoy mathematics, this outside school through a series of fun and engaging challenges.


Fi Helping with Math: This site has many printable freebee's including flashcards. 
